Sunday 19 October 2014

Sunday Summary: Shopaholic Overdose and New Things

Hello readers! If you follow me on Twitter, you would know that last night I had a bit of a meltdown. So I wrote a full post, complete with perfectly edited photos and then realised at the end that I couldn't post it because it was such a personal thing and while I'm usually pretty open about the things that upset me, this particular episode was not appropriate to share. So I promised to write something today.

I've seen some people do weekly summaries of their entire week. I thought that would be a fun thing to do so lets get to my week.

♥ I went to Yankee Candle for the first time. It was the best thing ever. You can check out what I got here. I also did my first haul post which was this very one that I just linked to.

♥ I finished reading Gone Girl and I loved it so much! I totally recommend it. The movie is also currently in the cinemas and I was so excited to see it because I saw online that it was M18 and since I'm 18 in 2 months anyway, I thought I should be able to get in. However, that must have been the American rating or something. In Singapore, its rated R21. I was so disappointed. I guess I'll have to wait till it's out online or something. (I don't sneak into movies. I'm not that kind of person) 

I started reading the Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella. I'm a little late for the Shopaholic series but I really felt like I was missing out on something great. So I got the books on my kindle. I just finished the first one. I'm on the second and I'm simply loving it! It's so real and funny and I see so much of myself in Becky because she's a writer too who can think so far ahead, no matter how unrealistic, which is really cute and exactly like me. In fact when I read her thought process, I realise that I think almost exactly the same. It's weird but also really awesome.

♥ I watched the Shopaholic movie on impulse. It was nothing like the books (Suze is blond!) but I'll give an allowance for the fact that the movie was made during a time when following a book to the T was not the most important thing in the world. (I guess fangirls  and Tumblr didn't exist then). Anyway it was the most hilarious thing EVER and it's one of my new favourites for sure. You should check it out.

♥ The album that I have been listening to on repeat this week is 'Take Me When You Go' by Betty Who. It was recommended initially by Tyler Oakley. While I pretty much love the entire album, my favourite song is 'Better'.

♥ I played pool for the first time with my friends and I now know how to hold the pool stick and I pretty much understand how the game works (thanks Haowei).
We also might have accidentally
played the whole game using the
wrong type of stick...hmm...

That's about it for my weekly summary. School is starting tomorrow so I imagine next week's summary will be very interesting. At least I hope. I'm just hoping that I fit in with my new class and that people like me and want to be my friends. But I guess everyone's worried about that. Now I need to go and figure out what the heck I'm going to wear for my first day of school. Times like this, I really miss my uniform days...Actually not really. I hated my uniform days.

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